
Script editor

The editor creates the query options on the one hand and the import options of the incoming data on the other. Most editors are prepared for multi selecting to modify a selected set of items.

1. List editor

The first list is the base list for creating and editing the entries.


The usage enables or disables the query element. If this option is disabled, the query will not be able to run.

Tx Data

Each query is based on transmitted data (Tx) identified by a label. These query bytes will be transmitted to the ECU as service byte [SID], parameter byte [PID] and option bytes [OPT].


The name or short information of this query.


The comments should describe the process in detail so that no malfunctions or confusion arise.

2. Type editor

This list is used to specify the type and options of incoming data.

Data type

The selection defines the type of import data. Basic types are text conversions, DTC trouble codes or value types, which can be calculated.

Byte range

The option is used to select one or more bytes of the value byte list received from ECU. The selected bytes are processed in the same way as all other value bytes. The selection begins with the index of the start byte and has the number of bytes as length value.

Service bytes

This value is the number of data bytes to use as leading confirm bytes. The following bytes after this number of data bytes are used as value bytes. This option splits the data bytes in confirm bytes and value bytes.

Protocol bytes:
All received bytes from one query including header and checksum bytes. The program automatically splits the protocol bytes into data bytes, header and checksum bytes.

Data bytes:
These bytes include the leading confirm bytes like [SID +40] [PID] [OPT] and the following value bytes. The confirm bytes are checked by the program and can create an error message.

Value bytes:
This are the data bytes without the leading confirm bytes. There can be no or a lot of value bytes.

Multi response

The option activates the possibility of a multiple response, like OBD queries, which return fixed vehicle information. If this option is disabled and a multiple response occurs, the query finish after the first response received and the next responses will be loosed. If the option is enabled the query finish always by timeout and need more total response time.

This option activates the using of the numbering of multiple response. If enabled, the program searches for response numbers to split these bytes from the value bytes. When enabled and no numbering is received, the program uses the first value byte as numbering or sends an error message if this byte is incorrect as numbering. When disabled and a numbering is received, the program uses them as value bytes.

Static data

The option controls the using of the received data as dynamic or static values. When enabled, this query runs only once to get fixed values. If the query response is invalid, the system runs further queries depending on auto lock.


If an error occurs during the query of this element, the program sets the data as invalid and increases the invalid query counter. If the option is enabled and the threshold setting is reached, the system locks further queries.

The threshold setting for the query auto locking if the response data is invalid. Locked query items can again be unlocked in the data window.

3. Value editor

The value list is only used to specify value types and options for importing the incoming data.

Byte type

The byte type selection defines the number and type of bytes using for a single value import. If more bytes available as needed for the selected byte type results also more than only one value import. Too few bytes or an incompatible number of bytes create an error message. Using an 8-bit integer type and receiving three bytes results in three separate values. Using a 16-bit integer type and receiving three bytes will result in an error message. After the import the value can be further calculated.

Bit range

The option is used to select a single range of bits from one or more received value bytes. The selected bits are converted to an integer, which is processed in the same way as other value bytes. The correct import type for the bit range option is therefore an integer number. The selection begins with the index of the start bit and has the number of bits as length value.


This field is used for further calculations of the imported value. Each line in the text box is a single calculation. Only English signs + – * / are possible with round brackets and a dot as a decimal point. Using defined byte types the value import sign is #, using custom byte import the signs are A B C D… for the specified bytes. In more than one calculation line the value must always imported with # from the previous line.


This value defines the number of decimal places of the display value.

Value range

Enables the use of the coloured value range. The value display shows valid values in green and invalid values in red.


This field defines the unit for the display value.

4. Filter editor

The filter editor allows you to create your own query selection for scanning.


This is the preview query list of the selected filter and is displayed in the ECU data view. Only one filter or the complete list can be used for scanning.

Query usage of filter entries

The selected queries are part of one or more filters and are displayed informally in this usage list.

Filter list

The list for creating and editing the filters based on the individual name.

Query selection

The checklist for data queries to associate them with filters. Use multiple selection to change more than one filter or query.